http://www.dsblog.net 2008-02-02 11:38:11
Q. Where do I find a Microsoft closing stock price before it was adjusted for all 9 stock splits that have happened since the IPO?
A. You can use or download this Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet (668Kb) from our website to find daily closing stock prices since our initial public offering on March 13, 1986. Not only will you see the price adjusted for all 9 stock splits (the post-split price), but you will also see the price not adjusted for all 9 stock splits (the pre-split price).
这部分英文是说,任何人都可以在微软网站上下载微软自1986年3月13日上市以来的全部股票数据。点击Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet处的链接:http://download.microsoft.com/download/d/a/7/da7e8eca-4410-4475-a211-03327408b655/msftpricehist.xls,可以下载名为《msftpricehist.xls》的表格,记载了微软从1986年3月13日至2006年12月1日共计5318个工作日的交易数据。
Founded: Cisco was founded in 1984 by a group of computer scientists from Stanford University.
Incorporation: Cisco was incorporated on December 10, 1984 in California.
Stock Symbol: NASDAQ NM: CSCO (Common Stock)
IPO: Cisco went public on February 16, 1990 at a split-adjusted price of about 6 cents.
Employees: As of the end of Q1 FY 2008 (October 27, 2007) Cisco has 63,050 employees worldwide.
Corporate Headquaters: San Jose, California, USA Worldwide Locations
《corporate_timeline.pdf》共31页,在第3页于1990年记载着“Cisco goes public on February 16, 1990, listed as “CSCO” on the NASDAQ. Cisco celebrates the public offering with a market capitalization of $224 million.”,纵观文章中的思科发展史,只有记载思科直接在NASDAQ上市至今,而对OTCBB只字未提。
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